Posts on the Blog page are for all visitors to the IAWF website.
We make some content available to all visitors to the site, but much more is restricted to members.
Other categories of posts for members include:
- ARTICLES – longer posts with more in depth coverage of any subject to do with wildlife cinematography
- EQUIPMENT – posts and items about any of the kit that we use to film wildlife including links to external sources of information
- NEWS – newly received information of interest to IAWF members
- ARCHIVE AND STOCK FOOTAGE – posts about filming, marketing, managing and selling your own footage
- PRO DEALS AND DISCOUNTS – information about discounts and deals for anyone buying camera kit, insurance etc.
- EVENTS – This category advertises any event that a wildlife cinematographer might attend including the free courses and sessions that come with being an IAWF/GTC member
- MESSAGE BOARD – short messages that bring a topic to the attention of members. Members are made aware that a short message has been posted vie email
- TRAVEL – anything to do with travel that might be of interest to a wildlife cinematographer, such as airports, baggage, customs, documentation and fixers
- WILDLIFE – anything to do with wildlife itself, the filming of wildlife and ethical considerations of filming wildlife
- WHATSAPP, FACEBOOK, YOUTUBE – pointers to useful WhatsApp, Facebook and YouTube groups and posts within that would be of interest to wildlife cinematographers
- MENTAL HEALTH – articles, links or experiences that anyone wants to share with respect to mental health in our business.
- HEALTH and SAFETY – posts about any aspect of health and safety, including insurance, for wildlife cinematographers
- IN MEMORIAM – tributes to the best loved characters, friends and colleagues of our industry who have passed on
Why not consider joining the IAWF. When you join you automatically become a member of the Guild of Television Camera Professionals.