The International Association of Wildlife Filmmakers

Graham Hatherley - wildlife cinematographer

Graham Hatherley

A long lens and macro wildlife cinematographer filming natural history sequences for groundbreaking television series, such as the gibbons story in The Mating Game episode of National Geographic’s Super/Natural series, winner of 2023 cinematography award at Jackson Wild. I also make short conservation films for NGOs to draw attention to key issues. Frequently working in the tropics or desert regions, up trees or filming macro sequences in the field or remote studio setting, usually as part of a small team and occasionally on my own with a detailed brief. I simply love the work we do, which is essential because there is almost always an element of hardship and perseverance involved in achieving the proposed sequence. I passionately believe that wildlife films are helping to address our climate and biodiversity crisis and I am equally sure that we all need to do more. The more we get to know the creatures that share our world, the more chance we have of saving this incredible world. For 30 years I have been involved with making wildlife films because I wanted others to share the privileged view we get. Now I think we do it to make more people care.
Graham Hatherley: links
Graham Hatherley - wildlife cinematographer

selected work

Big Beasts/Orangutan 2022

filming giant saltwater crocodile and proboscis monkey story that recurs throughout the episode, produced by Plimsoll Productions for Apple TV.


devising and shooting a story about an extraordinary day-flying moth and it’s miraculous life story on a Dorset downland near me!

Apes/Animal series for Netflix

filming a family of gibbons high in the forest canopy of a Thai National Park, where they have been studied for 50 years, to reveal just how their family life fits into the forest ecology and the ape family tree.

skills list

Aerial, Animal Behaviour, Birds in Flight, Canopy Access filming, Data Wrangling and workflow, Drone Operator, Expedition, Extreme Environments, Field Craft, First Aid Qualifications, Gimbal Filming (Ronin etc.), Hand Held Filming, Hide Work, Image Intensifiers and high sensitivity cameras, IRATA Rope Access Qualifications, Jib and Dolly, Long Lens, Low Light, Macro Studio, Macro Location, Night Filming, Observational Documentary, Panasonic Cameras, Periscopes, Platform work, Time Lapse, Remotely Operated Cameras, Red Cameras, Set Building, Shooting Director, Sony Cameras, Sound Recording, Sync and Crew Filming, Thermal Imaging, Underwater Filming, Working at Height
contact - Graham Hatherley
landline: +44 1747 811320
cell: +44 7775783156