Simon de Glanville
I am an award winning natural history and documentary cameraman with over twenty five years experience in the industry. I’ve worked in documentary, drama and natural history throughout my career and enjoy blending techniques across the disciplines. I shoot a lot of pure long lens sequence work, but often also operate where animal stories and human stories intersect. I also maintain a specialism in macro photography and I own a full macro studio package of lighting and motion control. Please see below for some sample credits. You can visit my website for a full CV and more details.
Simon de Glanville - wildlife cinematographer
selected work
2020-2022/ Passion Planet/Theatrical feature doc/dir. Dave Allen – Principal DOP across this feature doc recreating the story of Isabella Tree and Charlie Burrell’s struggle to return a small patch of West Sussex to wildness. Involved with the production from development through to post, I shot almost all the natural history for the film and shared responsibility with Tim Cragg for a number of drama sequences, actuality, and interviews. Principal director of photography
Planet Earth 3
2022/NHU/BBC1/dir. Estelle Chuek - Long lens and specialist sequence work filming a snake story. Sequence camera
Tiny World
2019/ Plimsoll Productions/AppleTV/dir. Alex Ranken, Rob Morgan – Ambitious macro series focusing on miniature habitats. I was the principal DOP on the ‘Garden’ episode, filming the majority of sequences, including black bellied hamster, midwife toad, garden ants, aphids, starlings, leopard slug and zebra jumping spider. I also shot the tenrec sequences for the ‘Rainforest’ episode in Madagascar. Director of photography
skills list
3D, 70mm IMAX, Blue & Green Screen Filming, Extreme Environments, Field Craft, Gimbal Filming (Ronin etc.), Hand Held Filming, Hide Work, Long Lens, Low Light, Macro Studio, Macro Location, Motion Control, Night Filming, Observational Documentary, Periscopes, Time Lapse, Set Building, Sync and Crew Filming, Underwater Filming
contact - Simon de Glanville
cell: 0044 0 7734 052712